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MICkit® 5


  • For initial analysis of samples when the cause of corrosion is unknown and MIC is suspected.
  • Use in situations where aerobic conditions predominate and/or low nutrient conditions are present.
  • Ideal for most industrial applications including:  industrial and potable water supplies, cooling waters, nuclear power, hydro-power, cutting and hydraulic fluids, fuels, and samples from external portions of oil and gas facilities.
  • May be used with BTI Products’ MICkit® 4 when chemical information is also needed.



  • Type of Samples Tested Using This Kit: All samples, especially those from environments where aerobic conditions predominate and/or low nutrient conditions are present
  • # Samples Tested Using One Kit: 1
  • Shelf-life: 1 year
  • Weight: 3 lbs


Test Parameters

  • Use to enumerate viable bacteria belonging to the following groups:
    • Anaerobic bacteria (ANA)
    • Acid-producing bacteria (APB)
    • Iron-related bacteria (IRB)
    • Low nutrient bacteria (LNB)
    • Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB)
  • Detection range:  1 to >100,000 bacteria of each type.  Additional bottles can be used to extend the detection range.
  • See Products>Microbiological Mediafor descriptions of media and organisms.


Item includes

  • All materials necessary to collect samples and run tests
  • Complete instructions





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