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Nano Tags (Coded VHF) for birds and bats

Coded signals
Employing Lotek’s unique coded transmitter technology, these tags allow you to track and identify hundreds of individuals on a single frequency. This reduces the probability of missing individuals due to listening on a different frequency. Designed for use with Lotek digitally encoded receivers, such as the SRX1200.

Infrared activation and deactivation
Eliminates need for magnet removal or attachment during field sessions.

Long life
NTQB2s allow you to track for even longer than previous versions with the possibility to track for a year with a sub-gram tag.

A variety of options available to extend operational life with on/off cycles.


NanoTags for Insects

The latest NanoTag development is the NanoPin, weighing 0.15g. Numerous insects can now be monitored with NanoTags. Available as digitally coded tags for the continental MOTUS array and as traditional beeper tags for local movement studies. Attachment possible with glue or thread. The first ever Asian Giant Hornet nest discovered in North America was located using NanoPins. What are you going to track? Bumblebees, beetles, dragonflies, butterflies?  Contact us to discuss the possibilities.


  • Choose the signal interval that optimizes life for your study.
  • Request an antenna length that best suits your species and necessary detection range
  • Digitally coded or traditional beeper: With digitally coded tags, all insects can be autonomously monitored simultaneously to study attendance or passage at a specific location or to study migratory movements via the continental MOTUS array. With traditional beeper tags, insects can be tracked individually to find nests, feeding sites, etc.


NanoTag Solar (Coded VHF)

  • Solar panels:
    Ability to recharge during the day can significantly extend NanoTag life
  • Battery assisted:
    Reserve capacity allows for overnight transmission to record nocturnal migrants
  • Lotek proprietary codesets:
    Field proven codes that are robust and reduce collisions, leading to more data


Freshwater NanoTag Series

  • Small size:
    Small size and relatively long operational life permits monitoring the smallest species
  • Over 700 (Lotek 5) unique tag IDs per frequency available:
  • Frequency tolerance to ± 500 Hz:
    Results in stable output power for the life of the tag
  • Burst interval resolution to 0.1 second:
    Results in higher detection efficiency within high traffic monitoring sites


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