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British Geological Survey(Inorganicgeochemistry)

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We have produced a suite of ten new soil reference materials as part of our BGS110 series, with a wide range of soil chemistry and elemental concentrations to cater for different analytical needs, interests and industries, such as:

  • agriculture
  • impact upon human and animal nutrition
  • geochemical exploration
  • contaminated land management



         Reference material details

Name Description Weight (g)
BGS110 Till with granitic content 40
BGS111 Silty clay soil overlying serpentinite 38
BGS112 Sandy granitic till overlying granite 43
BGS113 Silty clay soil overlying clastic metasediments 38
BGS114 Silty soil overlying clastic metasediments 41
BGS115 Silty/peaty soil overlying limestone 24
BGS116 Silty soil overlying limestone 43
BGS117 Silty soil overlying sandstone 41
BGS118 Silty soil overlying shale 38
BGS119 Soil with industrial contamination (<250 μm) 26
BGS102 Ironstone soil 100
IGS27 Molybdenum-tungsten (Mo-W) ore 65
IGS29 Pyrolusite 40
IGS30 Chromite 55
IGS32 Rutile 45
IGS35 Zircon 50
IGS39 Fluorite 55


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