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Oleuropein analytical standard provided with w/w absolute assay, to be used for quantitative titration.


Kuromanin Chloride/0915S

Kuromanin chloride analytical standard provided with w/w absolute assay, to be used for quantitative titration.


  • Asterin chloride
  • Chrysanthemin chloride
  • Cyanidin-3-O-glucoside chloride



Sophoricoside analytical standard provided with w/w absolute assay, to be used for quantitative titration.


  • Genistein-4′-O-glucoside

Glucocheirolin potassium salt analytical standard provided with w/w absolute assay, to be used for quantitative titration.
Purity (HPLC) ≥98% (This product is available with HPLC chromatogram)


Procyanidin A1/0986

Procyanidin A1 analytical standard provided with chromatographic purity, to be used as reference material for qualitative determination.


  • see also CAS RN: 12798-56-0


Procyanidin A1 analytical standard provided with chromatographic purity, to be used as reference material for qualitative determination.
Purity (HPLC) ≥95%


Glucocheirolin potassium salt /2524S

Glucocheirolin potassium salt analytical standard provided with w/w absolute assay, to be used for quantitative titration.


  • Acid form: CAS RN: 554-86-9


  • 3-Methylsulfonylpropyl glucosinolate potassium salt

Glucocheirolin potassium salt analytical standard provided with w/w absolute assay, to be used for quantitative titration.
Purity (HPLC) ≥98% (This product is available with HPLC chromatogram)


Coumestrol dimethylether/7600S

Coumestrol dimethylether analytical standard provided with w/w absolute assay, to be used for quantitative titration.


  • 7,12-Dimethoxycoumestan

Coumestrol dimethylether analytical standard provided with w/w absolute assay, to be used for quantitative titration.
Purity (HPLC) ≥98% (This product is available with HPLC chromatogram)


Procyanidin B3

analytical standard provided with chromatographic purity, to be used as reference material for qualitative determination.


  • Catechin(4-alpha–>8)catechin

Procyanidin B3 analytical standard provided with chromatographic purity, to be used as reference material for qualitative determination.
Purity (HPLC) ≥95%



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