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BioElite Fresh Semen Shipper

Introducing the BioElite by RP.  A 100% biodegradable shipper designed for shipping biological samples, equine semen and canine semen.

The BioElite is designed with EPS styrofoam that will fully degrade over 5 years, reducing reducing landfill waste. Ideal for fresh semen shipping.

The BioElite shipper is designed with a 29oz Phenolic cold block with a separate inner insulated chamber for sample shipping that isolates the samples and regulates temperature during transport.9


CryoCane ID Tabs – Cryogenic ID Tags For Canes And Straws (347520/347515/347516/347517/347518/347519/347521)

Cryogenic ID Tabs for Canes and Straws – CryoCane Aluminum Tags are used to identify aluminium cryo storage canes used for cryopreservation.


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